Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Joint Pain

The freedom of movement is always taken for granted, up to its limit. Many people face these problems in the form of Arthritis or inflammation of joints. There are mainly two types of arthritis which affects the joints, Osteo and Rheumatoid.

Osteoarthritis is linked with the wearing down of cartilage in joints and can occur at any joints in the body. The cartilage in the joint becomes stiff and loses elasticity, which causes pain and joint swelling.

Rheumatoid is caused by an auto-immune disease that causes inflammation of the joints and other areas of the body, which leads to bone loss.  If you experience any of the above, there are herbal remedies for arthritis Joint pain to manage and alleviate the symptoms.

1. Turmeric & Ginger Tea

Ginger and Turmeric are anti–inflammatory agents that helps people combat with Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Turmeric contains anti-oxidants that keep joints healthy. It detoxifies toxins (which cause pain) from the body. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric which relieves pain, tenderness, and swelling of joints. Ginger is used to treat Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis to provide some relief from pain & swelling. Drinking ginger tea is good for people who suffer from Arthritis.

2. Epsom salt 

Epsom salt is good for reducing the stiffness, pain, and inflammation caused by Arthritis.  It is a great source of magnesium which is important for bone mineralization.  Magnesium helps in reducing pain in nerves.

1. Mix two cups of Epsom salt in warm water
2. Soak your hands in it for 20 to 30 minutes

Doing this three times a week will give you great results to mitigate the pain from the body.

3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is great to reduce pain and it also lubricates your joints for arthritis. In olive oil, a special compound known as oleocanthal helps prevent the production of pro-inflammatory COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. Olive oil can be used to massage hands and fingers gently to reduce inflammation and tenderness in the joints. It is widely used for cooking as well reducing the risks for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

4. Peppermint Eucalyptus Oil Blend

Peppermint and eucalyptus have analgesic and pain-relieving properties to reduce joint pains. This oil gives a cooling sensation to get over with the distress caused by Arthritis. It creates a calming effect to ease the joint pains.

5. Honey and Cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon powder is a good combination to treat Arthritis. This herbal remedy for Arthritis Pain is used on hands and helps to loosen up stiff muscles.

6. Exercise

Exercise is very important for anybody who suffers from stiffness, joint pain or arthritis, though; this is the last thing on your mind. It helps you control weight in order to avoid strains on the joints and strengthens muscle that supports joints to walk freely. If we are inactive the synovial fluid does not warm up and lubricate joints, which results in stiffness and pain, making it difficult to move around and enjoy daily activities. Doing light exercise daily will not only make you stronger but will keep you fit and active throughout the day.

7. Pectin & Grape Juice

Pectin is found in the cell walls of plants which is a water soluble carbohydrate substance, it helps keep he cell walls together. The extract from the fruit is used in jams and jellies, and is an excellent home remedy for arthritis when mixed with grape juice. It is considered that it helps in returning the synovial tissue to a lubricated state, and results in movement which is pain - free.  The grape juice helps to fight with inflammation.  Mixing 1 tablespoon of liquid pectin with grape juice and drink it 1-2 times daily. The result effect will take a week or two to get desired results.

Our body has an unbelievable structure which can take as much of stress and strains possible every day. There is no doubt that our joints are burdened, while excess movement is done by us. No matter whatever form of arthritis or joint pain you suffer, a deeper understanding causing this problem should be treated as soon as possible before it too late. Nature plays a significant role in healing and naturally treating the condition to rejoin the freedom of movement in our life.

How Arthritis is Caused and Cured

Arthritis pain and stiffness sets in when the cartilage in the body joints wears away. The cartilage is responsible for absorbing shock for the bones and then allows them to glide smoothly when we move. Now it is obvious that if there is any problem in the cartilage, we feel it in the form of pain. 

Among people suffering from arthritis all over the world, 60% are women. 

In a body, arthritis can affect one joint, multiple joints, or all the joints. The disease is of so many types, but the most common ones are (RA) Rheumatoid Arthritis and (OA) Osteoarthritis. Arthritis mostly occurs in people who are 50 years of age or above, but it can also develop in a child, teenager, or adult. One very common reason behind Arthritis is obesity. People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from Arthritis

Now coming to:

What exactly causes Arthritis?

In order to understand what causes arthritis, we will have to understand what a cartilage is? The cartilage, according to Google, “is a very flexible and firm connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints.”

The joints are protected by the cartilage which absorbs all the pressure and shocks created by the joints. If there is any reduction in the cartilage in joints, they will no more hold the pressure and will ultimately lead to Arthritis. 

What causes Osteoarthritis?

OA is normally caused by any injuries or infections in the joints due to which we lose the cartilage tissues. People with a history of diseases are more likely to suffer from Osteoarthritis in later age. 

What causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?

This is the most common form of Arthritis and is caused by disorders in autoimmunity. In RA, the immune system starts attacking its own tissues and results in causing Arthritis. The tissues attacked by the immune system affect the synovium which is a soft tissue in the joints. Synovium is responsible for producing a fluid in the joints in order to nourish the joints.

Scientists haven’t found yet that why the immune system starts attacking the tissues.

Common symptoms of Arthritis?

Pain, swelling, stiffness, or tenderness in the joints
Joints that are red or warm to the touch
Sausages-like swelling in one or more of your fingers or toes
Pain in and around the feet and ankles
Thick red patches on the skin that often have a silvery scale
Joint inflammation
Slight fever
Loss of appetite

How can Arthritis be diagnosed?

The health care professionals will diagnoses Arthritis by analyzing the:

Medical & Family History

The evaluation process starts with asking the:

Symptoms (when and how exactly you started feeling pain)
Current, recent and past health (From how long have you been sick in the present and the past)
Health habits (Do you smoke, drink alcohol, over-weight or a diabetic)
Family history (Is there any family member suffering from arthritis)
Physical exam (Where exactly you have visible signs of Arthritis)
Imaging tests (like lab test, X-rays, MRI, CT Scan or Ultrasound)

Arthritis Treatment

The main goal for medical professionals who treats Arthritis is to reduce the pain that you might be experiencing so that no further damage is caused in the joints. In order to treat Arthritis in the best possible way, the doctor may follow a method combining:


The medications may include:

Analgesics, e.g., hydrocodone (Vicodin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). The medication is very effective in reducing pain but won’t be too helpful in decreasing the inflammation.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), e.g., ibuprofen. It is known for reducing the pain as well as inflammation.
Menthol or capsaicin creams. It blocks the transmission of pain signals from the joints. 


Patients with a severe stage of Arthritis, it is recommended to replace the joints with an artificial one. The surgery is most commonly performed in Hip and Knee replacement. 


Arthritis is a very common disease but it can ruin your life and lifestyle. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult your medical professional the moment you feel any symptom in your body. When it comes to taking medications, it is recommended to go for the herbal medicine for arthritis for joint pain relief.